Who Wrote the Bible -->

Who Wrote the Bible

 who wrote the bible god or humans

It was written by Gods Prophets

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The extra Books  were added in the Bible for Catholic Bible

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40 Authors wrote the Bible

40 authors of the bible

was the bible written by god

Yes it was written by God

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Divine Inspiration and Human Authorship wrote the Bible now the Bible is a book that is made up of several smaller documents which are also called books and those documents were written by many different people tradition identifies 35 different people that are associated with those books as well as plenty of anonymous books these are books that we don't know who wrote them but somebody did and so we're going to take a high-level view of where these books of the Bible came from and the humans that both wrote them and contributed to the Bible that we know after the main documents were written so when we answer the question who wrote the Bible we're going to be looking at three different types of answers we're going to look at the sources this is where we get into more of the spiritual side of where these books of the Bible came from as well as some regular original sources of the author's site we're also going to look at the humans that wrote the Bible now like I mentioned church history identifies 35 names of people that have been credited with writing books of the Bible 
  there were more than 40 different individuals that contributed and then we're also going to look at these scribes and scholars these people played a critical role in giving us the Bible that we have today that is often overlooked so these aren't necessarily the authors in the Bible but a lot of the documents that we have today we have because of these people so it's very important that we recognize so let's jump there when we look at the Bible's sources the main one that you're going to hear from Christians is God himself there's this idea of divine inspiration and we get that from how some of the people who were writing books that made it into the Bible but talk about where these words come from you'll find in the Old Testament people saying all the time the word of the Lord came to sell itself or thus says the Lord and what we find out through reading the Bible and also just looking at acts Christian and Jewish history is people believe that the books of the Bible especially the books of the Old Testament were written by humans but were inspired or prompted by God's Spirit the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy and he says that all scripture those are the books of the Old Testament is God breathed or God inspired and the author of 2nd Peter tells his readers that none of the prophets in the Old Testament were just writing based on their own initiative they were carried along by God's Spirit so although we're going to see a lot of human perspectives in the books of the Bible these perspectives are brought in by those individual authors and of course the the perspectives of the scribes and scholars after them we still have this belief that these folks were prompted by God's Spirit they were writing out of loyalty and devotion to God there are a few other sources that are not as spiritual as as this we have oral traditions these are stories that were handed down generation to generation and eventually were used by or and referenced by the other writers of Scripture we have ancient songs a great example of an ancient song being used is in the book of Judges where someone we don't know who wrote the book of Judges is putting together this picture of how the nation of Israel devolved without any sort of godly leadership and there's at one point when they quote a psalm it's called the stall of Deborah and this piece of ancient Hebrew poetry is far older than the rest of the book of Judges it's it's ancient it's old but it's used as part of a book that was written afterwards we have wise sayings of better Paulding why sayings from the Jewish leaders wise sayings from from other people that may not have been part of the Jewish faith
 we have letters and decrees you're going to find letters that were written from religious leaders to their followers you're going to find decrees written by kings and emperors these are these are pulled in to the books that are in our Bible we have historical records from you know kings and monarchs or kings and monarchies of the ancient world and we have eyewitness testimony for example in the Gospel of Luke the author claims that he's pulled together these these testimonies from other people that that were present during the life and Jesus so these are these are the sources this is some of where the the people that wrote the Bible were drawing from obviously the chief one the most important one to to the religious Society of biblical discussion is that divine inspiration now let's look at the human authors of Scripture I'm not going to get into the list of all 35 authors of the Bible that are traditionally associated with these books but you can find that list on over V Bible com what we want to get an idea of is the rules of the people that contributed so when we're looking at contributors the the chief type of contributor to what we what we call the Bible today are the prophets and these are humans who spoke and wrote on God's behalf they were usually calling people to live in obedience or loyalty to Israel's God the Old Testament books are often named after the Prophet that wrote the majority of the text in those books so when we see the Book of Ezekiel well most of the Book of Ezekiel was was written we believe by the prophet Ezekiel and you see that with most of the books that are toward the end of the Old Testament some examples of prophets that contributed to scripture we have Moses he's the person who led Israel out of Exodus up to the edge of the promised land he's credited with giving the Israelites that original Torah the original laws from God who made several agreements with the people of Israel and in those first five books of the Bible which is what we call the Torah today we see a couple of actions or there are a couple episodes in which Moses is writing down things that are happening now obviously there was the in in the Torah we see episodes that Moses probably didn't write things like saying that he was the most humble man in the world or where Moses died and how nobody knows where Moses died those are some things that that we also find in the Torah which is why these scribes and scholars are going to be important for us to look at in just a little bit in addition to Moses another great example of a prophet is David David was a king he was a musician he was a songwriter and he produced a great deal of songs that are preserved in the Book of Psalms but only about half of those Psalms are credited to or associated with David where did the others come from and how did they come together into that body of 150 oh that's where this third category becomes important so very very interesting how these two work together I say at Jeremiah Joel these are those prophets whose books are named after themselves they wrote these long epic poems about how the relationship with Israel and their God was playing out very very key contributors to the text of the Bible then we have a group of people I'm calling the sages these are wise people the most famous of whom was of course King Solomon they wrote proverbs riddles stories and songs to help people make just and godly decisions when they were as they were going about their lives we have historians these are people who chronicled the stories in ways that made a theological point Luke is a really good example of this he wrote of the the books of Luke and acts so church tradition tells us that following the New Testament but we also have Old Testament historians as well when we look at the books of Joshua and judges Samuel and kings chronicles Ezra and Nehemiah these are these are stories that are telling the history of Israel but telling it in a way to make certain theological points so it's not it's not necessarily that they were historians the way we would think of historians today their theological historians they are trying to teach a spiritual truth in the way they're arranging history and then of course we have for the New Testament the Apostles and their associates so an apostle was someone that was sent by Jesus Christ to build his church on earth and so these were close followers of Jesus who were the leaders of the early church examples of this are include Matthew Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew according to church tradition and that's the first book of the New Testament the Apostle Paul wrote many letters to local churches of his day and then we also have people who weren't necessarily apostles but were associated closely enough with the apostles for for them to be writing under their authority and their writings were also deemed very valuable by the Christian Church a great example of this is mark mark is credited with writing the gospel that bears his name and as far as the church has been concerned pretty much since the beginning the Gospel of Mark has been associated with Saint Peter the the idea is that mark although he's not an apostle wrote that gospel from Peters memory in Peters notes and there's a lot of conversation across church history that that is pointed to this being what Christians have believed for a very long time this brings us to the third answer to this question of who wrote the Bible a rare did we get the text of the Bible and we want to look at scribes and scholars these people played a very crucial role in giving us the Bible that we have today because they did they di three really important things for us one is they organized Scripture so we havescribes that were pulling togetherdocuments that were written over longstretches of time and putting themtogether into the cohesive documents andsets of documents that we have now agreat example of this is the Book of Psalms I mentioned this a little bit earlier so King David was a musician King and he's credited with producing some songs the praise God but how how did those songs come together to make half of the Book of Psalms ready the other Psalms come from who made the call of pulling these together well we don't know that part of the work is anonymous but we do know that somehow we get to a point at which we have a hundred and fifty Psalms that are patched together into one really cohesive and well organized work it's a it's a really important thing that we have and the scribes and scholars to thank for this Psalms is a great example of this proverbs pulls together 7 different collections of wise sayings it is it's very very vital what the scribes and scholars did in addition to this they were key in preserving texts so the Israelites believed that Moses gave them the original Torah and there are points at which we see Moses ready now but keeping that Torah preserving the books of the Bible was no small task we have scribes and scholars to thank for that they kept these books they copied these books very meticulously and very faithfully that's that's one of the reasons why the Dead Sea Scrolls was such an important discovery in the past century because 
we have we have this evidence of very very very old documents from the Jewish faith that still match up really really nicely with later documents that that we have been using for a long time so these these folks were keeping the keeping the books together and preserving them and copying them so that other people could read them and so that they would last because old-time parchment doesn't last forever the third thing that we want to look at when we when we talk about scribes and scholars is how they canonize the books of the Bible eventually Christian leaders made the decision to to say some books belong and of the Bible these books are sacred scripture and obviously that was not a decision that was taken lightly and not one that happened very quickly it didn't happen until centuries after Jesus that the the leaders of different Christian traditions said these are the books that we believe belong in Bible that have demonstrated value and cohesion and something that something that we believe is sacred and useful not only for the church of their time but had been useful for the church in the centuries leading up to their time they believed would be useful for as long as Christianity would be a thing and so that gives you a high level idea of who wrote the Bible the books that we have in the Bible were organized and preserved and canonized by scribes and scholars who used the documents that originally came from various humans over the course of history and these humans wrote out of loyalty and dedication and devotion to the God that was inspiring these poems and these stories and these sayings that they had put together over hundreds of years that's why it's kind of an interesting question to answer who wrote the Bible we have a lot of people that played a hand in the Bible that we have today now if you'd like to know more about where we got the Bible and how all the books of the Bible fit together you should check out my book it's called the beginner's guide to the Bible and it'll walk you through the entire process of
Who Wrote the Bible Who Wrote the Bible Reviewed by JOEL KANNURI on 02:32:00 Rating: 5

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