How do you become a wise person? The Supreme Gift of Wisdom
The Supreme Gift of Wisdom
First, learn to listen
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Pro 13:20
Proverbs judges every thought or action by one standard: "Is this wise?" The word wisdom almost the opposite of what proverbs means by the word.
Wisdom is above all practical and down to earth. Young people as well as old can and should have it.
Wisdom teaches you how to live. It combines understanding with discipline - the kind of discipline an athlete needs in training.
It also adds a healthy dose of good common sense - except that common sense isn't, and never has been, common.
How do you become a wise person? You must first begin ti listen. Wisdom is freely available to those who will stop talking and start paying attention - to God and his word, to parents, to wise counselors.
Anybody can become wise, proverbs say.
Wisdom is not reserves for a brainy elite.
But becoming wise requires self-discipline to study and humbly seek wisdom at every opportunity.
How do you become a wise person? The Supreme Gift of Wisdom
Reviewed by JOEL KANNURI

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