What is God's plan for your life?
Elijah prays for rain
God is calling all of us who are Christians to be men and women of prayer.
"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit."-James 5:16-18
Time in God's Word.
Time Alone With God in Prayer.
Right Life,
Right Belief,
Right Practice,
Right Ministry.
We have become Christians. We have repented, turned toward God and received Christ, acknowledging Him as Lord. We are born-again as a new creation of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Now what? God does not immediately take us home to be with Him. What is God's plan for your life? God will tell you. Draw near to god and He will draw near to you. Spend time with Him in Prayer. Spend time in His Word.
Some things God desires of all Christians. That we be sound in Doctrine. That we live pure and holy lives in Christ. That we tell others the Good News of our Lord Jesus. There is one thing that God has uniquely for you.
God's special calling for your life. What is your specific ministry on this earth? What would God have you to do in the short time that you have in this life?
Are You A Man or Woman of Prayer? God wants You to Be One. To Become a Man or Woman of Prayer is to Begin to Live the Christian Life as God Intended
God had 7,000 who did not bow the knee to Baal. Invisible, secret, and silent. Most believers in Elijah's day were like most believers today.
If the Word of God had not told us that they existed, like Elijah we would be totally unaware of their existence. But when God wanted to change the world, he turned to Elijah. God could use Elijah.
The 7,000 were God's well-beloved children. How sad it is that they were not the ones who were used to fulfill God's purpose.
Well, of course, you say, Elijah was not like the ordinary believers. Who can be like Elijah? The answer is: any ordinary believer. The answer is: you. Remember what the Word of God says. . Elijah was a man of prayer. Elijah was an ordinary man who was able to be used of God because he was a man of prayer.
God is calling all of us who are Christians to be men and women of prayer.
What is God's plan for your life?
Reviewed by JOEL KANNURI

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