The Millenium the thousand - year reign
The Millenium
Christians interpret the thousand - year reign referred to here in a variety of ways:
1 Postmillenialism believes that the church itself will, through its expanding influence, bring about a time of peace and prosperity in preparation for the return of Christ.
This view was far more popular in the 19th century, when people were optimistic about progress and he future.
2 Premillenialism believes that Christ will return to earth and reign here in person, ushering in a period of great peace.
During this period, Satan will be bound up, but will lead a final revolt at the end of the thousand years.
3 Amillenialism interprets this passage much less literally. Some amillenialists hold that the millenium has already been going on, but the reign of Christ is taking place in heaven, not on earth.
Others believe the church is establishing the kingdom of Christ now, between Jesus' first and second coming.
Because so little information is given on the millenium, no one can be completely sure.
The "thousand year" period itself may be symbolic, all positions agree that ultimately this world will end with Jesus establishment of an eternal kingdom.
The Millenium the thousand - year reign
Reviewed by JOEL KANNURI

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